Powdered tart cherry supplementation reduces markers of inflammation and catabolism after endurance running

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Powdered Tart Cherry Supplementation Effectively Reduces Markers of Catabolism and Perceptions of Muscle Soreness following an Acute Bout of Intense Endurance Exercise

E Galvan1, K Levers1, R Dalton1, C Goodenough1, A O’Connor1, S Simbo1, N Barringer1, J Carter1, C Seesselberg1, A Coletta1, YP Jung1, M Koozehchian1, B Sanchez1, S Springer1, M Cho1, S Mertens-Talcott2, C Rasmussen1,  M Greenwood1, R Kreider1.  Exercise & Sport Nutrition Lab, 1Department of Health and Kinesiology, 2Department of Nutrition and Food Science, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843


Consumption of tart cherry juice has been reported to effectively reduce inflammation, muscle damage, and muscle soreness following bouts of exercise.  The purpose of this study was to determine if consumption of a powdered form of tart cherries derived from tart cherry skins prior to and following intense endurance exercise promotes similar positive results as seen with tart cherry juice consumption.  


27 endurance trained or triathlete (21.8±3.9 yr, 15.0±6.0% body fat, 67.4±11.8 kg) men (n=18) and women (n=9) were matched based on average reported race pace, age, body weight, and fat free mass.  Subjects were randomly assigned to ingest in a double blind manner capsules containing a placebo (P, n=16) or powdered tart cherries (CherryPURE® Freeze Dried Tart Cherry Powder [TC, n=11]).  Participants ingested the supplements one time daily (480 mg/d) for 10-d including day of exercise up to 48-hr post-exercise.  Rate perceptions to a standardized application of pressure using an algometer on their dominant thigh at 3 designated locations using a 10-point visual analogue scale to assess muscle soreness/tenderness over the course of the testing protocol.  A half-marathon run (13.1 mi/21.1 km) was completed under 2-hr (111.98±11.9 min) as the intense endurance exercise protocol. Fasting blood samples and VAS ratings of muscle soreness were taken pre-run, 60-minutes post-run as well as after 24 and 48 hours of recovery and analyzed by MANOVA with repeated measures.  


Pain ratings from all 3 quadriceps locations (p<0.001); AST, ALT, CK, BUN/Cr ratio, UA (p<0.001); cortisol, testosterone, and CORT/TEST ratio (p<0.001) all demonstrated significant changes in both groups over time.  The overall MANOVA analysis revealed a trend toward a significant group x time effect for all pain ratings (p=0.093) and cortisol, testosterone, CORT/TEST  ratio (0.071), but no significant interaction MANOVA Wilks’ Lambda effects were seen for AST, ALT, CK, BUN/Cr ratio, UA (p=0.365); cortisol, testosterone, CORT/TEST ratio (p=0.35).  MANOVA univariate analysis revealed significant effects for v. medialis [¼] (p=0.003) and v. lateralis [½] (p<0.001) pain perceptions, AST, ALT, UA, cortisol (p<0.001), CK (p=0.001), BUN/Cr ratio (p=0.008), and cort/test ratio (p=0.042) in both groups over time in addition to trends for both groups over time for v. medialis [¼] pain perception (p=0.12) and testosterone (p=0.08).  A significant group x time linear effect was shown for v. medalis [¼] pain perception (p=0.035) with a trend toward a significant quadratic interaction for the v. lateralis [½] pain perception (p=0.053).  A significant delta value was also shown based on v. medialis [¼] pain perception differences in group assignment (p=0.029).  No significant group x time interaction was evident in pain perception from the v. lateralis [¼] (p=0.92).  A significant group x time quadratic effect was shown for BUN/Cr ratio (p=0.048). No significant group x time interaction was evident for ALT (p=0.70), AST (p=0.92), CK (p=0.87), and UA (p=0.50). The MANOVA univariate analysis also revealed a significant group x time effect for cortisol (p=0.05) coupled with a more specific group x time significant cubic (p=0.009) and linear (p=0.016) interactions for cortisol. 


Results of this study indicate that acute supplementation with powdered tart cherries over the 7 days leading up to, during, and 2 days after intense endurance exercise helps to minimize post-training perceptions of pain in the most biomechanically loaded regions of the quadriceps muscle group associated with running impact compared to a placebo.  Additionally, powdered tart cherry supplementation is also proven to help attenuate the catabolic response of cortisol following a bout of intense endurance exercise.   This attenuation of a catabolic response following the acute bout of resistance exercise is substantiated by a significantly lower BUN/creatinine ratio in the powder tart cherry group versus those supplementing with the placebo.  Overall, these findings suggest that supplementation with a powdered tart cherry product surrounding an intense endurance event reduces pain perception and catabolic stress in the post-exercise period.  Further research is necessary to determine long-term supplementation effects with endurance training.    

Supported by Anderson Global Group, LLC (Irvine, CA) and Shoreline Fruit, LLC (Traverse City, MI)

Powdered Tart Cherry Supplementation Mitigates the Post-Exercise Immune Response with Reduction in Total Antioxidant Status and Serum Triglyceride Levels following an Acute Bout of Intense Endurance Exercise

C Goodenough1, K Levers1, R Dalton1, E Galvan1, A O’Connor1, S Simbo1, N Barringer1, J Carter1, C Seesselberg1, A Coletta1, YP Jung1, M Koozehchian1, B Sanchez1, S Springer1, M Cho1, S Mertens-Talcott2, C Rasmussen1,  M Greenwood1, R Kreider1.  Exercise & Sport Nutrition Lab, 1Department of Health and Kinesiology, 2Department of Nutrition and Food Science, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843


Consumption of tart cherry juice has been reported to effectively reduce inflammation, muscle damage, and muscle soreness following bouts of exercise.  The purpose of this study was to determine if consumption of a powdered form of tart cherries derived from tart cherry skins prior to and following intense endurance exercise promotes similar positive results as seen with tart cherry juice consumption.  


27 endurance trained or triathlete (21.8±3.9 yr, 15.0±6.0% body fat, 67.4±11.8 kg) men (n=18) and women (n=9) were matched based on average reported race pace, age, body weight, and fat free mass.   Subjects were randomly assigned to ingest in a double blind manner capsules containing a placebo (P, n=16) or powdered tart cherries (CherryPURE® Freeze Dried Tart Cherry Powder [TC, n=11]).  Participants ingested the supplements one time daily (480 mg/d) for 10-d including day of exercise up to 48-hr post-exercise.  A half-marathon run (13.1 mi/21.1 km) was completed under 2-hr (111.98±11.9 min) as the intense endurance exercise protocol. Fasting blood samples were taken pre-run, 60-minutes post-run as well as after 24 and 48 hours of recovery and analyzed by MANOVA with repeated measures.  


Overall changes in markers of general immune response, WBC and LYMPH, were observed in both groups over time (p<0.001), but the overall Wilks’ Lambda MANOVA analysis did not reveal a significant group x time effect (p = 0.22) for these markers.  MANOVA univariate analysis revealed significant effects for LYMPH and WBC (p<0.001) in both groups over time.  A significant group x time quadratic effect was shown for WBC (p=0.034) in addition to a trend toward a significant delta value based on group assignment for WBC (p=0.09).  The overall Wilks’ Lambda MANOVA analysis did not reveal a significant time (p=0.78) or group x time effect (p=0.32) for SOD and TAS.  MANOVA univariate analysis revealed a significant group x time linear effect for TAS (p=0.046) in addition to a trend toward a significant delta value based on group assignment for TAS (p=0.099).  No significant group x time interaction was evident with SOD (p=0.73).   Overall changes in RBC, HCT, TG, and TotCHL were observed in both groups over time (p<0.001), but the overall MANOVA analysis did not reveal a significant group x time effect (0.438).  MANOVA univariate analysis revealed significant group x time cubic effect for TG (p=0.043).  No significant group x time interaction was evident with RBC (p=0.46), HCT (p=0.48), and TotCHL (p=0.73).


Results of this study indicate that short-term supplementation with powdered tart cherries over the 7 days leading up to, during, and 2 days after intense endurance exercise aid in reduction of the general immune response as indicated by a significantly lower WBC response post-exercise compared to a placebo supplement.  The mitigated immune response following exercise with powdered tart cherry supplementation correlates with the decreased catabolic response indicated by BUN/Cr ratio and cortisol levels reported in a companion abstract.  Further, as a result of powdered tart cherry supplementation compared to a placebo, the TAS response was also significantly lower suggesting a diminished release of ROS and RNS in response to the endurance exercise bout.  With powdered tart cherry supplementation compared to a placebo, blood triglyceride levels were also significantly reduced over the post-exercise recovery period.  Overall, these findings suggest that supplementation with a powdered tart cherry product surrounding an intense endurance event reduces the general immune and free radical response typically correlated with endurance exercise in addition to reducing serum triglyceride levels.  Further research is necessary to determine long-term supplementation effects with endurance training.    

Supported by Anderson Global Group, LLC (Irvine, CA) and Shoreline Fruit, LLC (Traverse City, MI)