National Academy of Kinesiology Presentation

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Role of Sport Science in Performance Enhancement: Strength, Conditioning & Nutritional Considerations

Bellevue, Washington – September 14, 2019

Strength, conditioning, and nutrition play an important role in preparing athletes to perform to the best of their ability.  For this reason, nearly all competitive teams employ a number of strength & conditioning specialists to prepare their athletes for competition and most teams have sports dietitians and/or nutrition consultants as part of their performance enhancement team. Academic and professional preparation of strength and conditioning and sport nutrition specialists within kinesiology programs have opened up a number of career opportunities for students and scholars. Additionally, advances in technology have enhanced the ability of strength and conditioning specialists and sport nutritionists to monitor athletes during training and competition. This paper overviews the history, professional preparation, program components, general principals, and impact that strength and conditioning and sport nutrition have had on high-level performance as well as future trends in these fields.

The manuscript from this presentation entitled “Strength, Conditioning, and Nutritional Considerations for High-Level Performers” will be published as one of the 2020 National Academy of Kinesiology papers in a special issue on optimization of performance in Kinesiology Review (February, 2020).